
Fluffy Friend Fridays

Fluffy Friend Fridays

-It’s friday, as I’m sure you all know and this has been a really long week. So long, infact that I cannot wait for it to be over šŸ™‚ All i want to do is go to the beach, eat sushi and sip on virgin strawberry daiquiris all afternoon.

But, today is not that day! Instead, Alex and I will be heading up Table Mountain and then meeting friends for drinks because it’s the awesome Paul’s (he’ll probably never see this, but anyway) birthday *cue applause* he’s 25 today yay! Which is awesome because birthdays are awesome šŸ™‚ It’s just another reason for me to dress up and wear heels šŸ˜‰

So! Thank you friends for being born!

Sorry, got a bit side tracked over there šŸ™‚ Yes. Cute and fluffy friends! I think I’ll make this a thing. Every week, when it gets to this day and the weekend is about to show it’s beautiful face, I’ll remind the sweet people of earth that life isn’t actually that bad when you get to look at the adorable face of our fluffy creatures šŸ™‚

I always say this, and it’s because it’s so true. Life get’s so full of it sometimes. We have deadlines and assignments and lunch dates and washing and gymming routines and special couples time and we get lost in the midst of it all. Which is why it’s of the utmost importance to stop and take a step back. Look at what you have around you. Appreciate the little things that make you smile. Like our cute little friend over here! He’s all like ‘hey buddy, why are you not smiling? Come on, it’s not that bad. Look, I’m smiling. Smile along with me why don’t you?’

There you have it! The first of our many Fluffy Friend Fridays!

With love and awkward giggles (trying out something new here šŸ˜‰ )
Rochelle xx

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