“Don’t Over Think, Just Let It Go”

“Don’t Over Think, Just Let It Go”

ImageI’ve been searching the interwebs for the perfect picture for this post. eventually I settled on the very first one I saw. It’s simple and plain. Exactly the way things should be handles in life. Plain and simple. No frills, no fuss. When something comes up that interferes with your happiness, with your well-being, you cut it out. Easy peasy.

A few months ago, Alex (my boy/best friend) and I went through something that I wouldn’t wish upon any girlfriend, ever. It wasn’t an uncommon thing though. It was a friendship with another female that crossed boundaries and just spiraled out of control.

You need to know, I blow things up all the time. Everything appears bigger than what they actually are. So I didn’t handle the situation well. The said situation continued for about a month and a half. It’s weird to think about it now, because it seemed like it had lasted for much, much longer. So you can only imagine the state of my life during that time. Anyway, eventually things blew up all over the place and I was at the lowest point I had been a very long time. 

It’s taken us a long time, about an additional two months to get to the place we’re at currently. A place where we’re each other’s best friend again and apart from God, nothing else comes above the other. I’ve made peace with everything, forgiven and moved on. 

It’s quite funny how things happen. I’ve been so hurt in the process and God is healing my heart. I’m in a good place now and my journey has only begun. I was able to put it all behind me and be the bigger person. Slowly, I’m learning to trust him again the way I used to 🙂

But anyway. So yesterday, another fact regarding said situation (she who shall not be named, who is actually kind of my friend now!) came to light. It was a conversation that was held between them and I flipped my balls. It was such a rude shock that I literally had no idea how to process the information. Although it was something that I feel I won’t share with anybody because it is quite personal to the party involved, I felt no judgement 🙂 Yes, the fact that the intimate information that was passing between them was so beyond friendship that it broke me down all over again, I managed to pull myself together.

The thing is, I can’t change what happened. I can only choose to react and process what I know about what already happened 🙂 Big words hey? Haha it is indeed. It’s not easy, I’ll tell you that. But for the sake of my well-being and my future with my favorite person in the entire world, I can take a deep breath and simply let it go. People make mistakes and as long as they’re learnt from and the lesson is applied in the future, we’re all good 🙂

Over thinking things does the complete opposite of what you want to accomplish. Which is peace. Peace of mind. Peace of heart (if that even makes any sense at all). Over thinking blows things up and creates problems which aren’t even there to begin with!

So yes,my journey to recovery had a little curve ball thrown into it yesterday, and I can boldly say that it did little damage 🙂 I’ve become so strong over these past few weeks that I feel I’m in a place where I’ve never been before. It is only by the grace of God. He is my source of strength. He’s my hope in a dark and dying world. He is what fuels me to go out, be friendly and distribute endless smiles and hugs!

So! Life goes on, all you have to do is let go. Don;t over think it. Take deep breaths, clear your heart and let it go. Plain and simple 🙂

Love, Rochelle 🙂